Membership Form
Membership Fee of $40 is due annually and payable by Term 1. (starting February)
Term fees are currently $90 per 4 weeks
Please Note: In order to qualify as an entrant for our Annual Exhibition you must be a full financial member of the Society as well as attending a minimum of 8 full day lessons within the four terms preceding the annual exhibition held in the following year.
For 2023 Membership Form click here
PO Box 1475
Ballina NSW 2478
Contact Persons
Secretary Narelle Millar 0408082388
President Cecily Barrack 0435835102
Treasurer Tina Farrow 0409 827 094
Direct deposit bank details:
BSB 062 502 Account 00901131
If using direct deposit please inform Tina Farrow 0409 827 094 and include your name on the bank reference
Ballina Art Society Inc TERM FORM 2023
Find us at Note a membership fee of $40 per annum will apply. $90 per 4 weeks in each month
Refer to the bottom of the Membership Form for Membership Entitlements,
Policies of Ballina Art Society, consent and ethical requirements
As well as making payment for the particular term members must complete and return the form below, either by email to the Secretary, by mail to at the address below or in person at our Thursday class. Note the mailing address: The Secretary; Ballina art society, PO Box 1475, Ballina NSW 2478
TELEPHONE / MOBILE……………………………………………………..
PAYMENT TYPE………………………………………………………………